All-encompassing Hospice Care means just what it says: the provision of care for all ages, from the very young to the very old; to meet all their needs, physical, practical and spiritual; at all places, at home, hospital or hospice; to all concerned, patients, carers and families.
We can only do this by being able to offer our patients and families a wide range of services. You will find them listed in the menu on the left, together with a brief description of each of them.
We offer these services across a variety of settings including our two EllenorLions sites in Northfleet and Dartford; via our Hospital Support team based in Darent Valley Hospital; and in patients' own homes or nursing/care home. You will find more details in the ?Where Care can be Received?' section.
Hospice care exists to help patients and their families live as fully and independently as possible and so we work closely with all other Health Care Professionals. To assure high quality holistic care, everyone involved in providing care will work closely with each other. Death is not denied, but life is affirmed and lived until death occurs, whether this is at home, in hospital, nursing home or in the hospice's ward.
If you would like more details of the services, please speak with your nurse, follow the links provided or call us.